Andrey Korinskiy, Developer in Muzzano, Provincia di Biella, Italy
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Andrey Korinskiy

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Muzzano, Provincia di Biella, Italy
Toptal Member Since
November 30, 2017

Andrey has almost 30 years of experience, working as a full-stack and app developer (React, React Native, Node.js、Redux、Elixir、Go等)、Android(也包括Kotlin和NDK)和iOS程序员. Since his first degree was in electronics, Andrey熟悉原理图设计和基于微控制器的编程解决方案. Andrey is a member of the following associations: IEEE, AES (Audio Engineering Society), and CNI (National Council of Italian Engineers).


Johnson & Johnson Surgical Process Institutе
React, Elixir, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, FFmpeg
Rooms To Go
React Native, TypeScript, Functional Programming
Sage Intacct
Firebase, iOS, Android, Redux, React Native




Preferred Environment

Command-line Interface (CLI), Sublime Text, CentOS, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2023
Johnson & Johnson Surgical Process Institutе
  • 开发并支持外科手术工作流程的内容创建系统.
  • 为外科手术过程管理器(SPM)开发手术室手术辅助系统的功能.
  • 为SPM开发视频编辑工具,使手术视频与记录的工作流程步骤同步, export trimmed and annotated videos, and embed them into the operative report.
技术:React, Elixir, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, FFmpeg

Senior Mobile Developer

2021 - 2021
Rooms To Go
  • Developed the new cross-platform mobile app from scratch.
  • Integrated the app with existing and new APIs and checkout.
  • 开发了一套可重用的UI组件和中间件/utils,以方便未来的应用程序开发和支持.
  • Created strong TypeScript stylization for all the components and utilities.
Technologies: React Native, TypeScript, Functional Programming

Senior React Native Engineer

2019 - 2020
Sage Intacct
  • Developed a time-tracking mobile app for iOS and Android.
  • 将移动应用程序与现有api集成,并配置CI/CD进程,以自动为不同的操作系统构建应用程序, endpoints, and environments.
  • 编写单元测试(Mocha)和端到端测试(Detox/Mocha),为应用程序的最关键部分提供足够的测试覆盖率.
Technologies: Firebase, iOS, Android, Redux, React Native

React Native and Native Android Developer

2019 - 2019
  • 开发了一个将当前原生Android应用迁移到React native的概念验证.
  • Created conversion tools for native resources (strings, styles, etc.) from Android's XML resources to React Native data.
  • 实现了一个方法来桥接现有的原生Android活动与React native应用程序.
Technologies: Kotlin, React Native, Java, Gradle, Electrode

Senior Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2019
Johnson & Johnson Surgical Process Institute
  • 为语音捕获、语音命令识别和STT生成了基于微服务的基础设施.
  • 开发基于webbrtc的解决方案,在浏览器端捕获音频和视频,在服务器端解码和处理.
  • 基于集成了微服务基础设施的商业和免费产品,构建了基于容器的语音识别引擎.
  • 构建了语音识别基础架构的配置、训练后端和UI, including sample recording and collection modules.
  • 创建了一个带有UI控件的服务器端测试基础架构,以执行不同的音频测试、测量和优化参数(TPR), FPR, precision, F1) for different recognition engines.
Technologies: Deep Learning, Docker, Python, C++, React, Node.js

Native App Developer

2017 - 2018
  • 为React native开发了涉及图像管理的平台特定的本地组件, drag-n-drop, multithread background file uploading, and so on.
Technologies: TypeScript, Kotlin, Swift, Java, Objective-C, React Native

Lead Developer

2016 - 2017
  • Built the back ends for both the apps and control panels; used Node.js, Hapi.js, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Socket.IO, and GraphQL.
  • Created a control panel with React, Redux/Immutable.js, and GraphQL.
  • 在Android (Java和NDK)和iOS上构建Native和React Native组件, camera, real-time camera visual effects, OpenGL visualizations, and OpenGL animations for the screen items. (Also native view animations.).
  • 为各种平台(iOS/Android, React Native, Redux, Immutable)创建应用.js, GraphQL, Socket.IO), and native components for data visualization.
Technologies: Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Immutable.js, Hapi.js, Node.js, OpenGL, React Native

Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2016
Sgoomys s.r.l.
  • Developed a RESTful back end for a social network; used Node.js, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and Redis.
  • Built a web application for the social network for Italian RV users; used React, Bootstrap, Redux, and the Google Maps API.
  • Developed a messenger with push notifications for both the website and app; using Hapi.js/Nest.
  • Created mobile apps for iOS and Android for a social network.
  • Built the back-end for hardware GPS trackers based on the TK-103 protocol; it had full remote control via 3G networks, tracking and more.
Technologies: Node.js, React Native, React

Lead Programmer | Electronics Engineer

2013 - 2015
MG Informatica s.r.l.
  • Developed an electronics systems for driving simulators, schematics design, and firmware programming (including composite USB devices).
  • Created an electronics system for a driver's medical evaluation; it had LED-based vision tests, load cells sensors for the force and time of reaction evaluation, electronics design, PCB, prototyping and production, firmware programming, and software programming.
  • 使用OpenGL,构建新的模块,修改现有的驾驶仿真软件.
  • 为意大利驾校开发了一个交互式的基于web的培训系统,PHP(后来的Node).js).
  • 为基于标准菲亚特动力转向组件的驾驶模拟器创建了具有力反馈的方向盘控制器, BLDC motor control, tension sensors, and STM32F3.
Technologies: STM32, OpenGL, C++, PHP, Node.js

Programmer | Electronics Engineer | CEO

2004 - 2012
White Sound
  • Developed field-recording systems for cinematography.
  • 编写基于时间码数据的自动声音和视频编辑(组装)软件, EDLs, and sound "fingerprints."
  • Created software for rapid SFX editing for TV series production, based on edit decision lists and image recognition.
  • Developed an automation system for ARD/Foley recording studios.
  • Built the hardware for a LED/projection system that did subtitling in cinema theaters; it had a manual mode, an automated mode with syncing to any LTC (DCP, HDCAM, and more), P2 or bi-phase (35 mm projectors) film projection equipment.
Technologies: Java, C#, C++, C


1997 - 2004
Orel Studio
  • Developed several video games (quests) as a lead programmer.
  • 为视频游戏创建和编辑基于帧的动画(包括精灵和动画背景)构建软件.
  • 为电子游戏创造了一个音频引擎,包括带有交叉渐变的背景音乐, SFX virtual positioning, and more.
Technologies: C++, C, Delphi

Programmer | Sound Producer

1995 - 1997
New Media Generation
  • Created audio/video modules for multimedia disks and video games (quests).
  • 为多媒体磁盘开发与视频同步的多语言OSD文本引擎.
Technologies: C++, Delphi




A social network for Italian RV users, website, apps for iOS and Android, maps with local campings and shops, points of interests, and geo-based notifications. I also worked with hardware GPS trackers for RVs.

Superagent Kitten
I developed one of the Redux-kittens modules. 它是基于超级代理客户机的异步请求的Redux中间件. This Redux middleware kit is a simple way to create HTTP requests, create and manage WebSockets, timers, promises, etc.

Driving Simulators for Driving Schools

我开发了这些模拟器的电子部分:一个基于mcu的板,以连接任何类型的真正的汽车控制, levers, buttons, and more. 仪表盘可以实现四种不同的汽车类型和踏板传感器. 我还为它编写了固件,并为软件模拟器开发了软件模块.

Automated LED Subtitling System for a Cinema Theater in Moscow
该系统由电影院屏幕下的5米长的LED屏幕和与Sandor 35mm电影放映机同步的硬件控制器组成, Kinoton DCP projectors, and an HDCAM VCR. 字幕也可以通过无线或有线连接手动控制(此功能用于电影节或其他一些特殊活动)。.
2012 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Legacy

Università degli Studi di Palermo - Palermo, Italy

1992 - 1998

Master's Degree in Electronics

Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute - Moscow, Russia


Node.js, React, NDK, Immutable.. js、WebRTC、OpenGL、OpenGL ES、Facebook API、Google API、TensorFlow、FFmpeg


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Xcode, Android NDK, Adobe After Effects, Sublime Text, Adobe Illustrator, Gradle


React Native, Redux, Bootstrap, Hapi.js, Django


Elixir, Java, Kotlin, Swift, TypeScript, Objective-C, C++, ECMAScript (ES6), C, CSS3, Delphi, HTML5, Swift 5, Pascal, Haskell, Go, PHP, C#, Python


Functional Programming


Docker, MacOS, CentOS, Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora, FreeBSD, DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services (AWS), STM32, Android, iOS, Firebase, Kubernetes, Azure


Elasticsearch, Redis, MongoDB, SQLite, MySQL, Cassandra, PostgreSQL


Software Architecture, iOS Camera, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Microcontrollers, Microcontroller Programming, Schematics, CAN Bus, RS485, Cloud, Full-stack Development, Android Camera App, Digital Signal Processing, USB, Command-line Interface (CLI), Deep Learning, Electrode

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