Amrata Baghel,印度哈里亚纳邦Gurugram的开发者
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Amrata Baghel

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Toptal Member Since
August 24, 2022

Amrata is a back-end engineer with over 12 years of experience and a master's degree in computer science. 她精通Ruby on Rails和其他语言,如Java, Node.js, Swift, and JavaScript, and has also worked with other databases and project management software. Amrata的背景包括与初创公司和大公司合作, such as Symantec, Oracle, 和Bharti Soft Bank, 在各个领域, including eCommerce, media streaming, 以及企业软件.


Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Urban Airship, Heroku, Jira...
SKYGO Marketing
Ruby on Rails (RoR), Web开发,全栈,JavaScript, Google Cloud...
Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Rollbar, Xero, Stripe, Urban Airship...





Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Heroku, Jira, Git, JavaScript, React

The most amazing...

...tool I've developed is an open source CocoaPod Swift library for creating a stepped progress bar, 它获得了528颗星,分叉了107次.

Work Experience


2017 - PRESENT
  • 使用Kiba ETL脚本开发外部数据库查询模块, which helped sync data from external databases into the app database after configuring the transformations.
  • 设计了提及功能, 它使用笔记来管理用户通信, 包括实时邮件, 确保及时和无冗余的信息传递.
  • Built a notification management system to deliver notifications asynchronously by providing details through configuration files to ensure delivery and reduce webpage latency, 然后与Urban Airship集成,用于推送通知.
  • Created many efficient mail digests to give users critical reminders about project operations.
  • Devised an enum management system to ensure customers can use their titles and lists for enums.
  • Coordinated with iPad team members to develop APIs for smooth operation and bug-free, timely delivery.
  • 使用Jira作为报告工具跟踪和修复bug.
  • Completed sprint items well before deadlines in a tight two-week agile sprint model, 确保高质量, 可靠的代码和测试覆盖率.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Urban Airship, Heroku, Jira, Git, React, RubyMine, HTML, Ruby ERB, Tableau, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Sidekiq, SendGrid, SQL, Memcached, Rollbar, Webhooks, Papertrail, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), CSS, APIs, Zeplin, NoSQL, Redmine, Back-end, Development, Websites, Web Development, Ruby


2022 - 2022
SKYGO Marketing
  • 开发条款和协议管理控制台和api. 条款可配置,用户同意保存在系统中. api确保应用程序知道哪些同意仍未被接受.
  • 增加了自行车的下车功能. 这些自行车可以立即下线,也可以在未来某一天下线, 所有未来的预订都被分配了新的自行车. 对可用自行车的搜索不再显示已下线的自行车.
  • 开发争议管理控制台. This allowed admin users to create disputes and view details of riders and dealers related to these disputes.
  • Handled unclaimed reservations to mark them as returned if the bike was not picked up and paid for within the required time.
  • 跟踪Jiras并及时有效地处理bug. Provided efficient communication to the team and suggested product changes whenever necessary.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Web开发,全栈,JavaScript, Google Cloud, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Ruby


2014 - 2017
  • Developed an end-to-end payment solution for money transfers between customers and cleaners, 最大限度地减少使用条纹支付请求的交易费用. Helped the client reduce tax formalities by depositing only the transaction commission.
  • 使用Xeroizer gem实现了Xero会计集成.
  • 自动定期和及时付款, ensured accuracy, 并维护各个阶段的事务,以确保数据的完整性.
  • Integrated Stripe using Stripe Ruby Gem for payment processing at the customer's and cleaner's end.
  • 为清洁工开发Android和iOS原生应用. The apps allow cleaners to know their upcoming appointments and mark their work start and finish timings. 此外,清洁工的位置也会被追踪以确保其真实性.
  • Developed an iOS customer app that displays the current status of the cleaning appointments scheduled and provides a method to integrate their cards with Stripe for automatic payments on a regular period. 它还通知到期付款.
Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Rollbar, Xero, Stripe, Urban Airship, OmniAuth, ActiveAdmin, REST, Swift, Android, iOS, Xcode, DigitalOcean, Capistrano, Startups, Back-end, GitHub, Bitbucket, 后端开发, Mobile Apps, Full-stack, Development, Websites, Web Development, Stripe Connect


2015 - 2016
  • 与团队合作开发SellerStore, 卖家销售和列出他们的产品和优惠的平台.
  • Contributed to developing SellerStore's admin panel to upload banners and customize home pages.
  • Designed the architecture and developed core functionalities for centralized communication with customers, using persisting rules and metadata provided by other components for reliable communication with zero redundancy.
  • Led a team of two junior developers to complete the implementation and oversaw the deployment and integration.
Technologies: Java, Spring, jQuery, JavaScript, MongoDB, MySQL, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), iBATIS, APIs, Development, Websites, Web Development


2012 - 2015
Bharti Soft Bank
  • Owned the development and maintenance of the movies portal and its admin website, a mobile website to promote movie content like images and facts for increasing consumers' mobile data consumption.
  • Integrated Paytm and iPay payment gateways for one-time and subscription payments in the Wynk app, 印度领先的音乐应用之一,由Airtel支持.
  • 执行Wynk的公平使用政策, which governs usage policies like the number of songs that can be listened to by a user in a month without a subscription.
  • Contributed to creating a CMS tool for Wynk's notifications and package features.
  • 开发各种api,为应用程序提供高效及时的bug修复.
  • Mentored an intern and helped him learn language basics, professional tools, and discipline.
Technologies: Java, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Redis, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), Git, GitHub, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), APIs, NoSQL, Full-stack, Development, Websites, Web Development

Software Developer

2011 - 2012
  • Developed and maintained the admin console for product managers to manage inventory, marketing, and product display.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs regularly and provided timely support for internal teams to perform efficiently and smoothly.
  • Contributed to various main website pages, enabling a fast and accurate response.
技术:JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, GitHub, Git,开发,网站,Web开发


2010 - 2011
  • 为Fusion Setup Manager (FSM)提供了一些小的增强, 这使得快速和有效的规划成为可能, implementation, and deployment of Oracle Fusion Applications through self-service administration.
  • 增加了FSM测试套件的Selenium测试覆盖率.
  • 使用Jira进行及时有效的bug修复.

我为iOS开发了一个带有可定制设计的步骤进度条. 文本可以定位在里面, above, or below the circles, or if the user wants, at all three places. For more details, please refer to the usage section of this project's GitHub link.

WordPress Stripe Webhook
It's a WordPress Stripe webhook plugin that helps integrate Stripe webhooks on WordPress. It is an open source plugin that makes it easier for websites to implement payment subscription models.

ThreeLevelAccordian是iOS的三级accordian. 大部分设计都是可定制的,分为三个层次. 您可以自定义项目的字体、颜色和背景颜色,并添加图像. 最里面的条目也可以是多行. If an element does not have any child elements, expand icon is not shown against them.


Cleanily is a cleaner to customers marketplace where cleaners are connected to customers needing cleaning services. Cleaners register on the website, and customers subscribe through payment plans. 客户定期安排清洁计划, 清洁工每天都被安排去打扫不同的房子. Apps at both ends facilitate monitoring of cleaners and help cleaners find the address and times of cleaning.

Developed an end-to-end payment solution for money transfers between customers and cleaners, 最大限度地减少使用条纹支付请求的交易费用. Helped the client in reducing tax formalities by depositing only the transaction commission. 自动定期和及时付款, ensured accuracy, 并维护各个阶段的事务,以确保数据的完整性.


The ease of business contributed to increasing customer growth and cleaner registrations.
2007 - 2010


印度理工学院(IIT) -鲁尔基,北阿坎德邦,印度


Sidekiq, Rollbar, Devise, Ruby ERB, Stripe, OmniAuth, CocoaPods, React, jQuery, Node.js, Stripe Connect


Git, Bitbucket, Papertrail, Zeplin, Jira, RubyMine, Xcode, Redmine, Tableau, SendGrid, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Xero, Capistrano, GitHub, Geocoder


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Spring, iBATIS, Bootstrap, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), Selenium


Ruby, SQL, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Swift, PHP, CSS


Heroku, Unix, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), WordPress, Android, iOS, DigitalOcean, 谷歌云平台(GCP)


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, 数据库管理系统(DBMS), NoSQL, Redis, Memcached, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, Google Cloud




Algorithms, Back-end, APIs, 后端开发, Mobile Apps, Urban Airship, ActiveAdmin, Webhooks, Startups, Full-stack, Development, Websites, Web Development



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